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March 2022-Feature Art
"Finally Spring"
A portion of all profits from this month's artwork will
benefit Harbor House Treatment Center!
The season of Spring is about rebirth and regeneration,
and it is the perfect metaphor and reminder that no matter how difficult life may feel, there is a new season of rebirth right around the corner.
At Harbor House Treatment Center, men struggling with addiction can find way new ways of coping with life in a safe, supportive environment, learning new skills to overcome their addictions through a staff of caring counselors.
Harbor House offers these men a chance of
rebirth and regeneration
towards healthier and happier lives free from addiction.

"Finally Spring"
14" x 14" Double-Sided
"Finally Spring"- Pillow-14" x 14"-Front-Side
Spring is finally on its way!
"Finally Spring-Pillow- 14" x 14" Back-Side of Pillow​
This photo is offered to show the back-side of 14" x 14" pillow, please order above.

"Finally Spring"-Pillow 14" x 14"
Back-Side of Pillow

"Finally Spring"-Pillow 18" x 18"
Double-Sided-This is the Front-Side
"Finally Spring"-Pillow-18" x18"-Front-Side of Pillow
Spring is finally on its Way!

"Finally Spring"-Premium Matte Poster
16" x 20"
"Finally Spring"-Premium Matte Poster-16" x 20"
Spring is finally on its way!
"Finally Spring"-Premium Matte Poster-22" x 28"
Spring is finally on its way!

"Finally Spring"-Premium Matte Poster
22" x 28"

"Finally Spring" Canvas Print
Canvas is 16" x 24"
"Finally Spring"-Canvas Print-16" x 24" Ready to Hang
Spring is finally on its way!
Pillows, Posters and Prints With A Purpose
please check back again, new art will be added each month
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